After School Knitting Club

Oh, I’m loving it.


I tootle in on a Tuesday afternoon, laden with baskets full of needles and wool, and I’m greeted with such enthusiastic little people. Granted, we’ve lost a couple along the way, but of the original fourteen, twelve stalwarts remain, and of them only two have still not quite ‘clicked’. But they’re determined. I love that.

I bit the bullet between the last session and this, and bought a bundle of chunky bamboo needles – 9mm – as the 4mm they were using were proving just a little too fiddly for their little as yet untrained fingers. And I grabbed a few balls of chunky wool I had, ahem, lying around (let’s not talk about my wool mountain).

They were cock-a-hoop and we have got more done in one session today than in both of the others together.

We now have some little ‘squares’ and the beginnings of some big ones.  We have some with ‘extra’ stitches, some with unexplained holes, some with interesting ‘loops’. We have some advanced little bodies who even mastered casting off today!

We have all agreed that when we have joined all these squares together, we are going to be left with a cushion cover that is quite unique. 😉


I am ever impressed by the enthusiasm and dedication with which they manage to greet me every week, in spite of just having finished a day at school.

Oh, and quite apart from the knitting, the conversation of 8-10 year-olds is absolutely killing…

“You’re Jazzy Jack. I’m Jumping Jessica.”
“I’m Dancing Daisy!”

One little girl approaches me shyly.

“Alice…? I’ve got a name for you, too.”

(A little nervously) “You have?”

“Adventuring Alice.”

“Jessica, I like that!”

8 thoughts on “After School Knitting Club

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  1. Learn to knit groups are great. Our public library offers a drop in one every second Saturday. We have every age from 7 to 80 at it.

    1. What a fantastic community resource! I wish there was one near here, Deb. If I didn’t have a four year-old with autism, I’d be tempted to try and start one! After school will have to do for now…

  2. That sounds like so much fun! I bet the cover will turn out to be really fun looking and it sounds like everyone is having a fantastic time.

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